Saturday, March 19, 2011

When Good Books Get Bad Names

There are two books that have changed my life but which I have to hide because their titles are awful. Embarrassing, counter-Kelly, verging on sexist. So bad that while I've been meaning to write this blog for years, ultimately I just haven't been able to spell them out. Even as I type this, I wonder if I'll ever push the "Publish Post" button. Even as I continue to read, and reread these books - hidden inside the covers of "The Economist."

Title One - This pivotal relationship book should have been titled, "Don't knock yourself out being nice, it's counter-productive and will only end badly for the both of you." but instead the author titled it Why Men Love Bitches: From Doormat to Dreamgirl - A Woman's Guide to Holding Her Own in a Relationship

Title Two - While I knew my relationship with food bordered on obsessive, Women Food and God: An Unexpected Path to Almost Everything explains why. Very simply and without really talking about God at all, Geneen Roth lays clear a very Buddhist path to understanding compulsive behavior and how learning to be present in those compulsions is the way to awareness.

So - if you need a self-help book about women, men and/or food - I recommend them. 

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