Another guest blog entry by SD: Silent Dave.
The van with everything we own in it. |
"Wow, you're living the dream." We hear that all the time when we tell folks we meet on the road about our current adventure of selling the house and everything in it, then hitting the road in a mini van. We're glad we could make a plan, carry it out and manage to untether ourselves from the work a day world. As a result we've seen some beautiful places, met some interesting people and we look forward to continuing. But some times it isn't all that easy. Most of the time it is an exquisite adventure. But other times it can stressful.
All our bedding drying out after a rainstorm. |
Thoreau was quoted as saying that most people live lives of quiet desperation. I'm not sure about that. Routine can be comforting. Sometimes our new lifestyle leads to an unanchored feeling; where will we sleep, can we find food, will we find water, where are we going next? There's a comfort in routine, wake up, go to work, come home, do your regular day-to-day activities.
For most of us what really anchor our lives? I think there are three major things in our day-to-day life, home, work and family. We've given up two of the three.
One of the beautiful places we've visited |
As you read the blog, look at the pictures of beautiful places we are exploring; remember that its not all a bowl of cherries to upend your life and give up the things that have anchored your existence up to now. It is exhilarating, exciting, and some times exhausting. In the end it will be worth it. As we work out living this new life style I'm sure we'll gain a sense of routine about the uncertainties we face every day. After all people are pretty adaptable. It might take a while and every now and then we'll be wondering what in the hell we've gotten ourselves into. But in the end it will all be worth it. After awhile it will become a comfortable routine. What in the hell will we do then to shake things up!!!
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