Coffee Bikes Beer
Yes, I could live here
In a little town called Bend
Where the volcanic peaks of the Cascades meet the high plains
Where a 900 ft cinder cone
Rises up through the center of town
And locals and visitors circumambulate
To see for miles around.
Driving south from Mt Hood we crossed over to the back side of the Cascades rain shadow and entered the Oregon High Desert. Where only an hour before we had been driving through dense forests dripping with moss, we were now driving across a treeless plain. Where we had only been able to catch an occasional glimpse of a mountain, we could now see the whole line of them running from North to South.
After about an hour, we then arrived at our destination, the little town of Bend. If you ever go to Bend be sure your first stop is at the Information Office. We arrived at 4:50, ten minutes before closing. Expecting to be quickly shown a map or two and pushed out the door, we were instead greeted by the friendliest, most helpful, most Bend-loving person imaginable. She not only gave us a personally annotated map of all the spots to see in Bend, she also gave us the Ale Trail map (11 breweries
within walking distance! 18 total in town), pointed out all the local hiking spots (Pilot Butte, a cinder cone in the middle of town).
Leaving the Information Office at 5:30, we headed off on a quick walk through town and down to the park along the Deschutes River. And that's when we saw the sign, "Coffee Bikes Beer"and I knew I was going to really like this town. We continued our stroll, continued admiring the coffee shops, and the variety and quantity of bikes.
We also began debating our beer options. Neither of us felt up for visiting 11 breweries, even if they were in walking distance. We were more in the mood for visiting one, having a good dinner, and sampling just a few of the local brew. This being our first trip to Bend, we decided that the only real option was the Deschutes Brewery. After all, could you really go to Bend without going there?
After enjoying a flight entirely of IPAs and an Elk burger, we agreed we'd made an excellent choice, and then headed to our B and B for a nice quiet night in a room just outside town and along the river.
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