Ironic that the previous post to this one, and this new series of adventures is one listing things I want, because right now what I want most is to get rid of stuff. Looking into the crystal ball (another thing I have to get rid of) it looks like I'll be moving for at least the coming 6 months, if not more.
Looking around the apartment, my home for the last 9 years, I realized there is a lot of stuff. Even considering that I brought little, and even went through clear out phases every year or so. Still there is stuff. More stuff than a nomad can reasonable carry along. One the one hand I could almost (almost) just walk out and leave it all. On the other, I've been giving select items to folks who would obviously enjoy it, and well, I've been packing some books, clothes and toys. Selecting the best of the years accumulations. Will be interesting to see how much of that is persistent. How much is the same stuff I brought and therefore thought was important 9 years ago and remains so today. Aside from some furniture I doubt there is much of that.
But the immediate question, the bigger question, is what to do with what's left. How to best pass that along to more landed folks. It's good stuff, and somehow there is an attachment to it and finding it a good home seems necessary.
When you can pare it down to everything you have to survive you can carry on your back, or maybe the modern nomad caries everything in their RV, then you'll be a nomad.
The scourge of consumerism, too much crap. Do you own it or does it own you? If you have to change your lifestyle to accommodate your stuff then it owns you.
Simplify, Simplify, Simplify.
Of course it's easier to say than do!!
As Emerson said to Thoreau, "One Simplify would have sufficed - and been much simpler."
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