Sunday, May 25, 2008

Let the kayaking begin!

Funny how the right equipment makes all the difference. Last night I installed the Yakima rack, with the Yakima kayak saddles, hully rollers and extender bar. Then I loaded Eliza without a single scratch to Angela. The extender bar is a very cool. It's a bar the slides inside the rack bar, but then can slide out to create a surface onto which one rests the bow, then lefts the stern onto the rack, then moves the bow onto the rack. After that the bar slides back into the rack and away you go.

Today Gerald, Krystal and I paddled up the Thames River from the Poquetanuck Cove Boat Launch to just opposite the wedge that is the Mohegan Sun. Here Gerald and Krystal demonstrate that essential kayaking skill - the shot block pass. Shot blocks are definitely The right equipment and Gerald was a hero to bring them.

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