I know what you're thinking - -"it's the wrong season for a pumpkin." But through the magic of ACO, some mixed metaphors from the Peanuts series, and Dr. Suess, the "true meaning of Christmas" will be revealed.
After crowning the front register with said pumpkin, the gang (ACO not Peanuts) dug in for a busy night of unpacking shipment, greeting customers, suggesting gifts for "outdoorsie" relatives, and catching up on the week's activities. Things settled down around 8:30 and our attention turned to the pumpkin. Before we knew how it happened Boris Stewart, the store manager, was explaining how Martha (a distant cousin) carved pumpkins - correctly - from the bottom. It's an excellent idea that we had to try. Still being on the clock, and being the conscientious employees we are, it was determined that the attempt had to represent the store. And so it was that Boris expertly wielded his knife, demonstrated the Stewart homemaking and carving skills and prepared the great ACO pumpkin.
Rolf considered it carefully for size, scale and light trajectory, and selected the appropriate light, the Petzl e+LITE (great for the traveler/adventurer who has it all but needs just a little something, something).
Viola, The Great ACO Christmas Pumpkin was born!
And still you, like Charlie Brown, ask "Isn't there anyone who knows what Christmas is all about?"

Maybe just maybe , it 'doesn't come from a store.'
'Maybe Christmas, perhaps, means a little bit more.'*

Yeah - it's about being a kid. About having fun. About carving pumpkins in December. Presents aren't about getting things, they're about the excitement of getting and giving things. The fun is in guessing what those gifts might be, guessing what will bring the biggest smile to someone specials face. It's about playing games, decorating, poking holes in the day to day, and sharing it all with friends.
And so it is that on this first day of December the Adventure takes a serious turn - to remind everyone what the Holiday is really all about. Kick back, let it go, and enjoy that kid!
*Grinch, The
1 comment:
"I'm dreaming of a white Chrsitmas"
The Snoopy's gang (the ones who live with Boris) love the pumpkin!
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