Monday, December 31, 2007
Riding off into the sunset - theoretically
I had managed the season without getting the dreaded Mall Leg, and more importantly had stayed in pretty good spirits toward the human race, especially the ACO crew. There is no deeper bonding experience than surviving a disaster together, and holiday retail can be pretty close. Through it all everyone worked hard, and played nicely. Thanks everyone, you're a great crew. It would be hard to leave - again.
But there was still one last shift - today I was at the register dealing with returns. Because of my belief that it would be better to break my fall off the bike with my leg as opposed to my deraillier, I hadn't walked much since Christmas Eve and had also begged out of working the day after - so while I had missed the serious returns, this Saturday still had them coming in the door. As the new year progresses the daily returns will lessen, dwindling by the end of the of the month to normal, inventory will be taken and soon spring gear will begin to arrive. In the Mall itself, Santa and his workshop have already disappeared as if they packed up that very night he was busy flying around the globe, the seasonal stalls will also disappear, but more slowly. First the calendar store will mark everything half off, the next week Hickory Farms will follow. A week later Hickory Farms will sell their remaining inventory at 70% off (if you ever wanted a beef stick, or cheese product that is the weekend), and pack up. By mid February the calendar store will follow suite. The space will be replaced by a stage hosting events mall management hopes will bring shoppers out in the cold of winter and remind me of the Mall Sequence in "Stop Making Sense." the Talking Heads movie.
--and I will begin another adventure.
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
On the 4th day of Christmas
For instance today's economic headlines report that "Weekend Shopping Surge Fails to Salvage U.S. Holiday Sales". Most of which they blame on the rise in gas prices. (Forget the fact that U.S. household income hasn't really grown and a good number of home owners have lost a great deal of value in the last years.)
What is interesting this season however has been the cash sales. All these early figures are based on credit card sales. Retailers haven't reported their numbers, and while I've been sitting on my butt for the last 2 days, I do know that prior to that ACO was taking in a lot of cash. Which is just plain wierd considering the other issues. One fellow worker felt that the Christmas account had been popular this year. Which would be an amazing development. I'm not so sure what it means - except that maybe some Americans are kicking the credit habit.
Meanwhile I have been literally sitting on my butt, or laying on my back. Pulling ones hamstring is a bit worse than it sounds. My right leg doesn't bend very well, and putting on and taking off cloths and shoes is a nightmare which is just as well as I don't have pants that have the right leg twice the size as the left. All and all a lovely situation.
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Merry Christmas
It's been a great year. It was another great Christmas, and Christmas season. I wish everyone joy and peace, happiness and friendship, love and good will.
Monday, December 24, 2007
and while sitting on the couch web surfing
For those of you who wonder what I do at my real job, click on the video link.
On the second day of Christmas...
I'm home on the couch now. Wondering how stupid and lucky I really was, watching CNN's coverage of "critical Christmas-eve shopping", and wondering when did shopping become "critical?" I mean sure, it's critical to Jr. Is he, or is he not getting the Red Ryder Bee Bee Gun, but when did it become critical to the news, to America? And more importantly - should it be? Can't we base our economy on something else?
Sunday, December 23, 2007
On the first day of Christmas we decorated our tree
Once the sleepy heads woke up we pulled out the boxes and decorated the tree.
After lunch, the girls started getting ready to do out.
"So where are you guys off to now?" I asked.
"Oh, we're going to the mall. Want to come?"
...I don't think so. But I'll be thinking of you, and all the folks at ACO
Christmas magic
Just outside the store is a bank of candy machines. Since the machines take only quarters we often have children in asking for change. That's what Jill thought the little girl, who's head barely reached over the counter wanted. Then ahe noticed that she had change, quite a bit actually. Looking around the store quickly, she put all the change on the counter with one hand, and with the other she put down a pair of gloves. "Do I have enough?" she whispered.
Later in the day an 11ish girl walked up to the counter with two wallets and asked which was better? As I was explaining differences she suddenly pushed them both straight at me so hard they fell onto the floor behind the counter. "Hi Daddy" she said to the man walking up behind her. "Did you find out where the snowshoes are?" He asked her. "Yes, there at the front of the store," she answered (I've no idea how she knew that.) As her Dad walked away she whispered, "I'll take the blue one."
Then there was the little boy with his father. Both grinning. The little boy had on one of our beanies. As the father paid for the hat, the little boy filled me in on the details. "It's a beanie" he told me. "For my mom. I picked it out, and I'm going to wrap it, and put it under the tree, and mommie will open it, and wear it, and love it." How could she resist.
...and that's what Christmas is all about.
My personal moment in Christmas magic however arrived at 3 am that night. My little Amy walked through the door. According to the United Airlines website, her airplane was still sitting on the ground in Chicago as a snow storm blew in. What the website didn't say was that while waiting, a very nice ticket lady had called her up to the desk and switched her to one of the last flights out for the night. She'd had to run from one end of O'Hare to the other but she'd made it. And she was home!
...and so begin the 3 days of Christmas.
Thursday, December 20, 2007
I'm doing okay as I head into my third day of the day and night job. This morning however, it was a bit of black humor that gave me a lift. Read this article and you'll understand some of my bigger issues with Christmas. Laugh along with, and you'll understand some of the joys too.
Monday, December 17, 2007
and meanwhile, out at the farm (land)
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Socks, socks, socks
There's nothing quite like opening that small, soft package of new special socks on that special morning. It's not just that fresh new smell, or the way they cradle your foot for the first time, or the centuries old tradition, it's also the knowledge that they were picked out special just for you....
So if you need assistance picking out just the right socks keep these facts in mind:

- The word "sock" is derived from the Latin soccus, the Old English socc and the Middle English word socke.
- ACO sells over 50 kinds of them there socks. (Buy 3 get 1 free - until Wednesday)
- 8th Century Barbarians wore brightly colored socks.
- ACO sells some really colorful Smartwool socks
- Reverend William Lee of Nottinghamshire, England invented a sock-knitting machine in l589, and started to make hosiery out of cotton, wool and silk.
- Cotton socks are evil - they retain moisture and loose their shape, creating bagginess in your shoe. Silk is nice for office work.
- It was the Victorians in the late 19th century who insisted than men should wear dark socks especially after the death of Albert, Queen Victoria’s husband in 1861
- Did you know the Victorians also over-painted portraits of our ancestors so their clothes were more presentable?
- Synthetic fibers were presented to the public at the World's Fair in New York in 1939.
- ACO's socks are primarily synthetic, lately we've even begun selling socks partially made from
corn. (Come to think of that, does that make it synthetic - it's real corn.
Well, since you ask...they're the EMS Women's Fast Mountain Socks
Christmas Superheroes
The crew was in a generally good mood too. We were in the home stretch, John had brought in pizza, Crystal was organizing an expedition to summit the giant snow piles in the parking lot (does anyone know where the EMS flag is stored?), Johnny had been appointed the "Holiday Complaint Department" and was handling the stressed out shoppers with ease,I'd mastered the inverse juggle, and most importantly we were solving patrons shopping quandaries left and right. "
"What kind of gift should I get for my secret santa?"
"My son-in-law likes hiking, would he like this shirt?"
"Do you have the pink nalgene?"
"Is this fleece as good as that fleece?"
"We need a waterproof, windproof, superlite jacket, do you have it?"
"Is that woman's dry suit still on sale" (oops that was my question}
"Could you put that last Thule box on hold for me"
Ah - it was like being a superhero - well kinda.
Thursday, December 13, 2007
The Enemy is in the house (or garage as the case may be)

So yeah, I picked up my touring/cyclocross bike last weekend. And I love it. Yes, I realize I've gotten lots of toys this year...but you know...I've never had toys before. Even as a child I had to play with kitchen utensils, and use left-over newspapers for drawing. So - now it's playtime.
In yesterday's typical Southeastern New England snow/sleet event I went riding. You know the sound snow makes when it crunches under your feet? The sounds of snow slurping under your bike tire is even better. And it's black (the bike) and looked so cool in the snow. Before yesterday I couldn't imagine why K2 called it the "Enemy". They make a ski called the "Public Enemy" and somehow when you picture a skiier bombing down the mountain plowing over innocent, and slower skiiers it makes sense. But now that I've raced though sleet covered streets while shaky drivers stared nervously at me over tightly gripped steering wheels, I can see how the bike's name just might fit. Hopefully we'll be just as aggressive while sharing shoulder-less roads with logging trucks. But I kinda doubt it.
The November Economic Report
While economists seemed mystified, we at ACO know the answer. Addiction.
Yup. Americans are addicted to spending money. Its the country's number one recreational activity, and Christmas is the Olympics!
Expecting them to stop now is like...well...impossible. At this point in the Christmas cycle we're getting those folks who, when you ask them, say they have their shopping done...but don't want to miss anyone, or a good deal. We suspect its the missed good deal that haunts them most. For instance, just last weekend a gentleman purchased one of those previously mentioned Denali Jackets and announced that he was done. We congratulated him and told him that he'd finished up just in time, stores were starting to run out of things. Boris then related how during a lunch time mission out in the mall he'd run across a fight over a pair of UGG boots.
The gentleman was unfamiliar with the boots, but after we told him that we had one pair left, he bought them. And was noticeably happy. Did he picture himself crossing the line with the boots raised high overhead?
And if shopping is an addiction, I guess that puts us at ACO in the enabler corner...but have I mentioned there is now a K2 Enemy in the house? It went on sale two weeks ago and I couldn't resist. My name is Kelly and I too am a shopper.
Hitting the wall

You know that moment that comes to every adventure. That moment when the initial newness of the situation has worn off, exhaustion has begun to set in, and you wonder (under your breath) what the heck you're doing. That moment for this adventure, came Wednesday night. It was in the last half hour of what was a two day, 15 hour a day, work session. I'd worked solid that night, recovered the store, vacuumed the floor, and closed the store gate. All I wanted was to go home as soon as possible and sleep. Every moment of delay was...well not good. And I wondered what the heck was I doing? I'm too old for this stuff. What kind of adventure is working in a mall for Christmas anyway? Oh I know the answer, and have discussed it here a few times, but that night, at that time...I was ready to throw my bike to the side of the road and flag down the broom wagon.
BTW. The awesome picture, which is from the 1943 Tour de France, is from The Horton Collection website. Great old cycling stuff!
Sunday, December 09, 2007

Last night the schedule for the week before Christmas arrived. In addition to working 40 hours at my real job I'll be putting in a m

Saturday, December 01, 2007
It's the Great Christmas Pumpkin Charlie Brown!

I know what you're thinking - -"it's the wrong season for a pumpkin." But through the magic of ACO, some mixed metaphors from the Peanuts series, and Dr. Suess, the "true meaning of Christmas" will be revealed.
After crowning the front register with said pumpkin, the gang (ACO not Peanuts) dug in for a busy night of unpacking shipment, greeting customers, suggesting gifts for "outdoorsie" relatives, and catching up on the week's activities. Things settled down around 8:30 and our attention turned to the pumpkin. Before we knew how it happened Boris Stewart, the store manager, was explaining how Martha (a distant cousin) carved pumpkins - correctly - from the bottom. It's an excellent idea that we had to try. Still being on the clock, and being the conscientious employees we are, it was determined that the attempt had to represent the store. And so it was that Boris expertly wielded his knife, demonstrated the Stewart homemaking and carving skills and prepared the great ACO pumpkin.
Rolf considered it carefully for size, scale and light trajectory, and selected the appropriate light, the Petzl e+LITE (great for the traveler/adventurer who has it all but needs just a little something, something).
Viola, The Great ACO Christmas Pumpkin was born!
And still you, like Charlie Brown, ask "Isn't there anyone who knows what Christmas is all about?"

Maybe just maybe , it 'doesn't come from a store.'
'Maybe Christmas, perhaps, means a little bit more.'*

Yeah - it's about being a kid. About having fun. About carving pumpkins in December. Presents aren't about getting things, they're about the excitement of getting and giving things. The fun is in guessing what those gifts might be, guessing what will bring the biggest smile to someone specials face. It's about playing games, decorating, poking holes in the day to day, and sharing it all with friends.
And so it is that on this first day of December the Adventure takes a serious turn - to remind everyone what the Holiday is really all about. Kick back, let it go, and enjoy that kid!
*Grinch, The
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
The Hazards
I have far too many shoes, way too many jackets, and there is a dry suit on sale that calls my name.
"Kelly" it says. "Have you been thinking about me?"
"Yeah" I sigh.
"You'll rarely get the chance to purchase a suit so good at such a good price."
"I know. But do I really even need a dry suit?"
"Of course!! Someday you'll be wanting to kayak through the ice in the winter. Even now, it wouldn't hurt for you to wear one."
"But I think a wet suit would be more practical, and much cheaper."
"Water temperature is dropping. You've only got 10 seconds to live once you hit the water. And it's a ghastly way to go."
"It's not like I'm sea kayaking right now. I'm mostly in the river and a wet suit would give me time to get shore, IF i fell out."
Realizing he's making little headway using logic, the suit switches tactics, "But wet suits are dull. Blues and blacks. I'm a bright, happy, cheerie mango and radish."
"You mean, yellow and blue? Yeah, I'd look like a bouy. Now, wet suits, they're hot."
It's the suit's turn to sigh knowing it can't win that one.
"And besides" I add while walking away, "I've really got to put my money and my time into the bike trip right now."

But still, every time I walk by I hear it, low, and soft, but still audible, still seductive..."You'll never get a chance like this again.
Buy me now.
Buy me now.
B u y m e n o w."
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Hey! I think I'm working in the wrong part of the company
Monday, November 26, 2007
How not to shop
"Hi, looking for something specific?"
"No. I'm looking for something for my girlfriend."
"Oh? Well...what would she like...?"
"I don't know"
"Umm, does she do any outdoor sports?"
"No. Not really."
"How about a jacket? We've got some nice winter coats."
"Yeah, that might work."
"What size would she be?"
"Don't know....hmm...about your size...but not as fat."
"Be sure to have her come in so I can help her pick out a present for you."
The priceless value of good gear
Pulling into my driveway I noticed a fair number of people walking toward downtown. Then, walking into the kitchen, which over looks the river, I noticed another decorated boat out in the channel. Hmmm. I didn't turn on the overhead light and a light went off in my head. It's the boat parade!
Oh, I so wanted to just curl up on the couch with my book (Deception on his mind, by Elizabeth George)...but it looked so cool out and I could imagine everyone gathering downtown near the

I changed out of my T-shirt and into a thermal techwich. Pulled on my Divergence Fleece and headed downtown. Gosh it was neat. There were lots of people lined along the dock everyone cheering their favorites and friends, and applauding for all the others. While watching the boats float by I also couldn't help notice what people were wearing. It's a serious side effect of working at ACO but you do tend to note jackets, and shoes too. So there among TNF Denalis, the puffy jackets, the wool sweaters I stood there warm and cozy and reflected on numerous conversation I'd had today on temperature ratings for jackets and "long underwear." We don't temperature rate our clothes. It's impossible. People run at their own set points, wind greatly effects temperature, as does activity level. Maybe we should switch to a common sense rating instead, with an added provision that no matter what you get, make sure its the good stuff. But for the moment I shrugged and joined in the fun of the parade and officially started the holiday season.
Merry Christmas Everyone!
Lets do the numbers
The staff was flagging a bit. I'd just finished working 16 of the last 26 hours and could feel a case of mall leg coming on. During the course of those 16 hours the ACO staff had removed 750 sizing collars from 750 hangers, stocked out 900 assorted jackets, pants, sweaters, fleeces, etc, consumed two carry out boxes of mini donuts, not sold 145 pairs of UGG boots (we were out of stock), turned away 15 people for the women's small black denali fleeces (we ran out on Saturday at 4:13), visited with 3 ACO alumni, advised 245 people on the use of the various weights of long underwear, spoke on why we don't temperature rate our clothing, and listened to more Christmas songs than is natural.
All in all much the same as previous years. But you've got to wonder...with the cost of living going up, home values going down, and the economy looking for a slowdown...where's the money coming from...or...are the early discount shoppers going to be the highlight of the season.
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
The North Face Denali - An Expose

The Denali, as it is more commonly know, is a "Polartec® 300-weight fleece with nylon overlays to reduce wind effects". It retails for $165.00. It's an decent fleece jacket, but more than that, it's a trendy status symbol of today's youth. Male and female alike, those people most drawn to fashion, and least likely to ascend the 20,320 ft mountain for which it is named, insist on owning one. They're not ACO's usual customer, and they rarely, nalgene bottles aside, buy anything else, so its interesting to watch them stand just inside the front door and scan the racks for the required jacket.

Advice to those folks is to buy yours now! Especially if you want the black one, and especially if you want it for Christmas. For Santa's sake don't wait for it to go on sale. It won't. Think of it this way, it's the cabbage patch, elmo doll of the trend-setting-faux-outdoors fashion world. Well, actually we've never had people line up to buy them, we did get to witness some interesting scenes. Last year two women did get into a serious fight over who would get the last small black one, a teenager daughter resorted to tears in front of her sticker shocked mother, and a 5:00, December 24th shopper, informed us that ACO was doomed to failure since we were completely sold out (and had been for a week). Ah the joys of Christmas retail. The wonder of the consumer culture.
Sunday, November 18, 2007
The Evolution of Holiday Spending

How people pay for Holiday purchases generally progresses in three distinct phases.
- Phase 1. Credit Cards - From just a little before Thanksgiving up until the Big Day - credit rules.
- Phase 2. The Barter System - (my least favorite) Starting immediately after Christmas
and dwindling out day by day until late January, people turn to the barter system. These shoppers arrive in the store with ACO bags, and boxes full of loving selected presents that have been rejected and that they want to trade for something better. Often they also want to trade up since the big after Christmas sales are already running. During this shopping phase the store will be very busy, but the sales won't be so impressive. We also have a lot of garbage - for some reason, people think we want the gift boxes, and wrapping paper back.
- Phase 3. The Cash Days- starting about 15 days after Christmas and increasing over the following 30, more and more people start paying in cash. It seems they've received their credit card statements and have now decided its budget time.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
The Schedule Is In

So looks like I'm working Black Friday, as well as the day after. Ah the stories we could tell. Last year was my first. The first time I'd even been in a mall on the day after Thanksgiving. Generally the shoppers were nice, but insistent that we should be having better sales. The serious ones, the professionals, were showing serious signs of battle fatigue by 2:00. I'm working from 3:00 to close so we'll see how they're holding out this year. According to Bloomberg, we are facing one of the weakest' holiday shopping periods in years.
Personally, aside from ACO gear, I've been an online shopper (and proud) for over 10 years now. If you're into online shopping too check out Wired's "How to Hack the Holidays".

I work there for a number of reasons. First the people who work there are great - real outdoors, honest, active people. Secondly - I often think of it as a live, in person study of the American consumer culture - something I watch with the same fascination that one watches a car wreck. And thirdly - the gear! Not only do you get to play with all the latest backpacks, kayaks, GPSs, cook stoves, shoes, boots, socks (oooh, love the socks), but you get to take them home...they even arrive in the mail. Such was the big bennie today. When I came home a little package from Smith was waiting for me. My new polyunchromalatedbifurnicatinginterchangablelenses Factors! Even better than the ones committed to the Watch Hill waves. Which is also the reason why the package also included eyewear retainers. Yup, I can be taught.
Monday, November 12, 2007
Happy Day!

As most of you know, I was holding out to get a cell phone until it could do it all. September I bought an LG8700 that, theoretically was a phone, a camera and a music player. (Yes, an iphone would have been better but for various reasons I had to go with Verizon). Taking pictures was easy, movies too! Music sounded good, but downloads were $2.99/each. Verizon sells a cable and disk for $49.00 that allows one to sync your computer with the phone so you can buy pass this but hey, I'm cheap or maybe we should call it technically inclined. After messing around with some free cables and driver downloads I can now post those pictures online, while listening to my music on my phone.
This is a picture of Noel's visit to Watch Hill last weekend.
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Adventures in Retail
Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental or believe me, they should be.
To tell you the truth, I'm not sure how this adventure will turn out. Last season, while I still wore my favorite Santa Hat and little lights necklace, I didn't really have the holiday spirit. Working in retail, the front line of the Christmas commercial battleground, is not conducive to the Holiday Spirit, even for someone who loves being a kid as much as me. And then there is the physical aspect. Sure I'm still riding for about an hour everyday but I may not be in good enough shape to work a four, or even 7 hours shift standing on concrete. I can hike for 8 hours, no problem, but standing, shuffling, etc. is really hard. Last year I developed a crippling disease I called "Mall Leg" a condition that results from standing, and sort of leaning on one leg, leading to an extremely sore hip joint. Guess it's time to find out if it's a reoccurring disease.
Thursday, November 08, 2007
And the next big adventure is....

There are some cool trips between now and then but this is the next Big One. Time to go riding!
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Back in the Paddle Again
Tonight however, I finally got back together with Eliza (my kayak). It was so beautiful as the sun set. A little cold...and I'm thinking about getting those funny-puppet-paddling mits after all. Also thinking about going for a paddle some night in December...after all the Christmas lights are out. Anyone interested?
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Road Warrior of the Hairpin Turns
But back to Mesa Verde. It's a place far cooler than any picture or blog post could ever tell. I spent yesterday morning there. Walked around the Far View Terrace area, which few people visit, but which contains a few of the mesa top farming sites that were built and occupied before the cliff dwellings. Certainly an easier if not as impressive place to live. After that I drove down to Spruce Tree House which is like Cliff Palace, a little smaller, but with more Kivas, and one you can go down in. As mentioned previously, that was an amazing experience. Then I walked out to
Back on the road, Durango was the next stop. It's a very cute town. Very nice and the people are great too. Colorado seems to have the nicest most genuine people. They're not just talking to you because you're a potential customer or because you're from out of town. When they talk to you, you get the impression they're interested in you and what you're up to. In the last two days I've had some really great conversations with people about life, theories for living it, the desire of weathermen to exaggerate the forecast, the pros and cons of mining, shoplifting, and the highest use of ones talents.
Heading North from Durango I headed up the "Million Dollar Highway", for me a white-knuckle, no-shoulder, n0-guardrail, drive-while-meditating drive up over some pass or other. I think it peaked out at 11,000 ft. Then down to Silverton, where I had intended to stay but thought better of after walking down the dirt streets. Sure, it's a real live mining town, but hey - it's a real live mining town. So back in the car and up over the next pass to Ouray.
Ouray is definitely in the running for cutest mountain town, it certainly had the cutest houses, and the best historical society. The Ouray Motel, located downtown in a 1890's Victorian Motel is a great, reasonably prices place to stay. An early evening walk to Box Canyon was a nice end to the day - but wait - what were these pvc pipes running around the rim of the canyon? Oh! It's the plumbing for the Ouray Ice Park. Every winter they spray water
By morning I realize this half of the vacation has taken a different feel, now it's that of a traveler, the Road Warrior is back. It's been awhile since I woke early and hit the road (usually roads much different than this - and I'd take Mountain passes over NYC rush hour any day) but the feeling is still there. So this morning I continued North and down the valley to Montrose, then East to Salida. On the way I stopped at Gunnison Canyon National Park - oops another 3000 ft. drop in and out of a canyon, the up and over the Continental Divide to Salida.
Salida is a unique blend of artist community/outdoor enthusiast/Denver escapist/miner/farmer hangout. The people are all great. Downtown is an historic district that is in various states of renovation located along the Arkansas River. I walked the shops for a while, bought two rugs and headed back to the hotel. Have to confess...I'm tired. Just so many new places, new things, etc. It's funny, I'm not the least bit tired of traveling. Having this connection, and now the 'cell' have made it so I can keep in touch so there's no need to get back for others, and I'm feeling pretty comfortable with this routine, and there is no end of places I want to go! I just need a little break. Tomorrow the plan is to head for Colorado Springs, hike out to some waterfall and then the art museum to see some original Georgia O'Keefe's. Then North to Denver to complete the Grand Circle! Of course, who knows what will really happen.
Kivas at Mesa Verde
Friday, October 12, 2007
Best of Both Worlds
But back to last night…after closing up the laptop I climbed the giant rock behind the tent to read and watch the sunset. There is nothing like a sunset in the red rocks desert. First you look East as the sunlight slides up the red rocks, that special evening color firing each and every stone. Then, when the sun sets, there is a brief intermission before the colors in the Western Sky begin. As red and fiery as the rocks were but softer. And then the stars come out, and when you’re in the middle of nowhere, the stars are right there above you. The Milky Way was so clear, and there were just millions of stars.
Morning came bright and clear and I packed up as soon as it was light. Something told me if I didn’t leave then, I might not ever go. So up the Canyon, then over the mountain I went. There were lots of mule deer, hundreds of wild turkeys and lots of cows. The
Hovenweep is an early
Next I went to see the world’s largest ball of twine. Oh, no, I mean the 4 Corners. Located on Ute Reservation land the spot where
Further East I drove by
And then I returned to
Then off down the road some more to take the 5:00 tour of
Sweet and Sour or Cashew Chicken?
This morning I headed South intending to go to
I had a tent, a sleeping bag, a pad….2 bananas, 2 apples, ½ a bag of sunflower seeds. Hmmm. Not quite enough for a day and night…but wait…I had also thrown two backpacker pantry ‘meals’ in my bag. Technically I had no way to cook them but all they need is hot water, and you can get hot water in the desert…right? And it’s an amazingly beautiful campsite.
t about ½ way until I got to the part where you had to swing out just a little bit – and I couldn’t do it. But the hike back was just as nice as the hike up. I love these canyon streams and cottonwoods.
I’ve settled on the Sweet and Sour Chicken which is – hopefully – cooking on the hood of the black volkswagon jetta. Bon appetite!
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Lazy, lazy, lazy
The idea for today however, is to pack up and head south for Monument Valley.
Here are a few other tips for those traveling to Moab.
1. Be sure to buy juice to flavor your water.
2. Don't expect great food
3. Don't expect the people to be all that friendly - especially i
4. Go to Delicate Arch early in the morning
5. Plan to shop at night - stores are open to 10:00!
6. Spend some time on the Colorado River
7. If you're a camper, try and stay at the wilderness sites. They are in the best locations. If you have to camp in town - Up the Creek is a good place.
Moab, Day 2
So the hiking. First climbed the Moab Rim trail for a full view of the
After that headed North to just seem too darn big, but really you can get from here to there without much trouble. While on the point I looked south to the Needles, where I’ll be tomorrow. It looked a hundred miles away, but the sign said 15.
You really got to wonder what Powell was thinking.
After Canyonlands I took a leisurely drive along the
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
Good friends don't let good friend...drink Starbucks
Hiking again!
But the people were nice and service was fast and I was driving into Arches National Park at 8 am. Arrived at Delicate Arch at 9ish. Pictures just never do the real thing justice. Not only that it wasn’t so much the arch that touched me it was more the feeling of the place. From the pictures I’d always thought the land around the arch was relatively flat. No so. The arch itself stands on a large fin that is pretty far up in the air and pretty far out in the middle of nothing. Walking up to it one goes along a cliff face then turns a corner and…there it is. I sat there, just around the corner, high up above the desert and finally, for the first time since leaving Denver, or maybe even much longer, relaxed. Just me, the sandstone, the arch, the La Sal Mountains and a few sparrows.
Eventually the place began to fill and I felt it was time to move on so after walking back to the car and driving further North I took the hike out to Landscape Arch, Navaho and Partition Arch. Had to turn back from Double O, it was O so narrow on that trail. After that I went to Window Arch where I sat awhile and enjoyed more of the Arches Scenery.
Feeling a bit parched, the temperature having risen to 69, I
Sunday, October 07, 2007
Heading for the hills...and the desert
This morning I leave the land of fluffy king sized beds, room service, and free wireless for ... 39 degrees, and my hubba hubba. I am so excited! Oh and there is a chance of snow while crossing the mountains.
Last night was fun too. A bunch of us went to dinner at Lime, a Mexican restaurant that served good food, fine Margaretta's and plenty of entertainment. Walking home the streets were full. The more serious baseball fans were at the game, but those who couldn't make it were still enjoying the atmosphere and waiting for the after game fun to begin. As our waiter informed us, that's when things really started happening. It was pretty cool. Lots of good people and good energy. Looking at the building and all the events and arts, etc you know Denver is a city, but it sure feels like a town.
Saturday, October 06, 2007
Thought Provoking
Over lunch I had a fascinating discussion on the purpose of Libraries. If Libraries were originally created to collect, preserve and share knowledge, (think Alexandria), what is our purpose now when the big challenge is that there is too much information? I mean think about it...
Meanwhile in Denver...rumor has it the streets are filling with Denver Rocky fans. The game is tonight, less than a mile from here.
Friday, October 05, 2007
I was sitting in the orientation session and in walked one of my bestest, funniest classmates from Syracuse. We caught up during lunch and then attended a really interesting session on Global Warming. (Strange topic for Library and Information Technology but very interesting.)
Pueblo Pottery

Last night I went to hear Stephen Trimble's talk on his book, "Talking with the Clay: The Art of Pueblo Pottery in the 21st Century" at Tattered Covers bookstore. First off, he is an amazingly engaging speaker and a fascinating person. While the subject is fascinating, his presentation was warm, thought-provoking and concise.
Aside from discussing and showing slides of how the Pueblo Indians gather clay, and construct, decorate, fire and then sell their pottery he talked about the traditions involved in the making. How, distinctive decorating and vase styles evolved among Pueblos but that recently as the potters have continued to grow their traditions the styles have become more individualistic. The potters have also branched off into sculpture with amazing results.
And then I went to bed.
Thursday, October 04, 2007
Denver - land of many things

So I'm here. Have been for about 4 hours now. Immediately after checking in I dropped off my stuff and headed North through the 16th St. Mall. I have never seen so many restaurants offering wheatgrass. I tasted it once (somewhere else not here). They also have a lot of Starbucks (so the burnt coffee can offset the wheatgrass?).
At the very end of the 16th Street Mall, and over the river is Mecca, aka the REI flagship store. Ahhhh, built in the old, but significantly expanded trolley station this REI features and 3 story climbing wall, lots of boulders and is nicely located at the Confluence of two rivers which have been constructed into a whitewater kayaking run. Sweet. There is also a Starbucks (no wheatgrass). I looked at everything. Lots of fuuur this year. Also checked out REI's touring bike which is a possibility for the West Coast trip.
After drooling there for awhile I head back South and stopped at the famous "Tattered Covers Bookstore". Cool books, lots and lots of cool books. Funny how I left Borders the other day thinking there were no good books, and here, well here it was so hard no to buy them all. Tonight there is even an author lecture on 20th century South American Pottery.
So now I'm back at the hotel for a little rest.
Oh, and I can see there beautiful mountains from my window and they are calling me.
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
On again
The Denver/Utah trip is on again. Not sure of the exact route but playing it by ear might be a good thing for me. At the very least the initial book selection has been made and is as follows:
The Whistling Season, Ivan Doig
The World is Flat, Thomas L. Friedman
Hitching Rides with Buddha, Will Ferguson.
There are lots of other books I'm reading and would rather read, but these popped to the top of the list because they're paperbacks. The "Hitching" book is about travel so that's good, the writer seems to have a good adventurous attitude so while he's traveling through Japan and I'll be in the desert we'll still be traveling. Ivan Doig is a great writer so that should be a good read. And so many people have recommended the World is Flat and a peek through the covers has been rewarding.
Monday, October 01, 2007
Last night on ebay
I have been looking for a while. I mean the panasonic is 20 years old, and while it does qualify me to ride in the invitation-only-shift-on-the-down-tube annual races, and I can pass many a fully suited, high-tech rider, still...I covet the new bikes. So I agreed that if a good deal came up on ebay, a really good deal, I could buy a new bike. What is funny is that since I started looking several $600.00 Specialized Dolces have sold for $600 and $700. Its just weird.

She is a beauty.
Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Isaiah, my best buddy left today. I miss him so much already.
He certainly hasn't been up for all the recent adventures but he was always happy to wake me every morning and settle down beside me every night.
Amongst my pagan friends he was known as my familiar and he was. We were. There are so many parts of us that communicated wordlessly...and I'm beginning to notice, still do.
But I will greatly miss his physical presence. His joy in every new day, his alertness, his unending loyalty, his love, quiet affection, his fluffy fur.
To some he was known as Sandcastle's Ima Piston. He did earn his herding title, but the show thing, neither of us enjoyed...especially on beautiful sunny days. Many on the AT knew him as Little Bear. That was the trail name he earned after scaring more than a few hikers into thinking he was a black bear cub. He did enjoy his hiking days but I think it was herding he loved most. Working the way he was bred to. I am glad we did that. Glad he came to live with me and be my friend, my buddy and enjoy life to the fullest.
Oh how I will miss him.
Monday, September 24, 2007
In honor of Brandon's trip

Song of the Open Road - Walt Whitman
AFOOT and light-hearted I take to the open road,
Healthy, free, the world before me,
The long brown path before me leading wherever I choose.
Henceforth I ask not good-fortune, I myself am good-fortune,
Henceforth I whimper no more, postpone no more, need nothing,
Done with indoor complaints, libraries, querulous criticisms,
Strong and content I travel the open road.
The earth, that is sufficient,
I do not want the constellations any nearer,
I know they are very well where they are,
I know they suffice for those who belong to them.
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Sunday, September 09, 2007
New Moon Kayak
The pictures were taken at the Isham Street launch.
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
Peoplewise, I'm dreaming about kayaking. Last night after work a few of us went to Bluff Point to work on things. I'm still working on the roll. Getting closer. Then last night I dreamed about it. Practicing it. Hmmm. Maybe if I can dream a complete roll, then I can do it.
Monday, September 03, 2007
Curiosity and the Kayaker
Happy Day-of-No-Labor everyone!
None of my kayaking friends were up or free for a paddle today, but it being soooo beautiful I decided to at least take a little trip out on the Mystic River. Heading South, into a pretty good wind I passed under the drawbridge and railroad bridge then decided to see if there really was a passage under the Mason's Island Bridge. There was. Through that, looking South to the Sound I wondered if there really was passage under the Enders Island bridge. There is. Then I was out in the Sound. Hmmm. Why not just go around the point and then head down river and home. The waves were a bit high, the current confused, and I wished I had my spray skirt. But the ride home was great. All in all, my little trip turned into a gorgeous 2/5 hour paddle.