Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Back in the Paddle Again
Tonight however, I finally got back together with Eliza (my kayak). It was so beautiful as the sun set. A little cold...and I'm thinking about getting those funny-puppet-paddling mits after all. Also thinking about going for a paddle some night in December...after all the Christmas lights are out. Anyone interested?
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Road Warrior of the Hairpin Turns
But back to Mesa Verde. It's a place far cooler than any picture or blog post could ever tell. I spent yesterday morning there. Walked around the Far View Terrace area, which few people visit, but which contains a few of the mesa top farming sites that were built and occupied before the cliff dwellings. Certainly an easier if not as impressive place to live. After that I drove down to Spruce Tree House which is like Cliff Palace, a little smaller, but with more Kivas, and one you can go down in. As mentioned previously, that was an amazing experience. Then I walked out to
Back on the road, Durango was the next stop. It's a very cute town. Very nice and the people are great too. Colorado seems to have the nicest most genuine people. They're not just talking to you because you're a potential customer or because you're from out of town. When they talk to you, you get the impression they're interested in you and what you're up to. In the last two days I've had some really great conversations with people about life, theories for living it, the desire of weathermen to exaggerate the forecast, the pros and cons of mining, shoplifting, and the highest use of ones talents.
Heading North from Durango I headed up the "Million Dollar Highway", for me a white-knuckle, no-shoulder, n0-guardrail, drive-while-meditating drive up over some pass or other. I think it peaked out at 11,000 ft. Then down to Silverton, where I had intended to stay but thought better of after walking down the dirt streets. Sure, it's a real live mining town, but hey - it's a real live mining town. So back in the car and up over the next pass to Ouray.
Ouray is definitely in the running for cutest mountain town, it certainly had the cutest houses, and the best historical society. The Ouray Motel, located downtown in a 1890's Victorian Motel is a great, reasonably prices place to stay. An early evening walk to Box Canyon was a nice end to the day - but wait - what were these pvc pipes running around the rim of the canyon? Oh! It's the plumbing for the Ouray Ice Park. Every winter they spray water
By morning I realize this half of the vacation has taken a different feel, now it's that of a traveler, the Road Warrior is back. It's been awhile since I woke early and hit the road (usually roads much different than this - and I'd take Mountain passes over NYC rush hour any day) but the feeling is still there. So this morning I continued North and down the valley to Montrose, then East to Salida. On the way I stopped at Gunnison Canyon National Park - oops another 3000 ft. drop in and out of a canyon, the up and over the Continental Divide to Salida.
Salida is a unique blend of artist community/outdoor enthusiast/Denver escapist/miner/farmer hangout. The people are all great. Downtown is an historic district that is in various states of renovation located along the Arkansas River. I walked the shops for a while, bought two rugs and headed back to the hotel. Have to confess...I'm tired. Just so many new places, new things, etc. It's funny, I'm not the least bit tired of traveling. Having this connection, and now the 'cell' have made it so I can keep in touch so there's no need to get back for others, and I'm feeling pretty comfortable with this routine, and there is no end of places I want to go! I just need a little break. Tomorrow the plan is to head for Colorado Springs, hike out to some waterfall and then the art museum to see some original Georgia O'Keefe's. Then North to Denver to complete the Grand Circle! Of course, who knows what will really happen.
Kivas at Mesa Verde
Friday, October 12, 2007
Best of Both Worlds
But back to last night…after closing up the laptop I climbed the giant rock behind the tent to read and watch the sunset. There is nothing like a sunset in the red rocks desert. First you look East as the sunlight slides up the red rocks, that special evening color firing each and every stone. Then, when the sun sets, there is a brief intermission before the colors in the Western Sky begin. As red and fiery as the rocks were but softer. And then the stars come out, and when you’re in the middle of nowhere, the stars are right there above you. The Milky Way was so clear, and there were just millions of stars.
Morning came bright and clear and I packed up as soon as it was light. Something told me if I didn’t leave then, I might not ever go. So up the Canyon, then over the mountain I went. There were lots of mule deer, hundreds of wild turkeys and lots of cows. The
Hovenweep is an early
Next I went to see the world’s largest ball of twine. Oh, no, I mean the 4 Corners. Located on Ute Reservation land the spot where
Further East I drove by
And then I returned to
Then off down the road some more to take the 5:00 tour of
Sweet and Sour or Cashew Chicken?
This morning I headed South intending to go to
I had a tent, a sleeping bag, a pad….2 bananas, 2 apples, ½ a bag of sunflower seeds. Hmmm. Not quite enough for a day and night…but wait…I had also thrown two backpacker pantry ‘meals’ in my bag. Technically I had no way to cook them but all they need is hot water, and you can get hot water in the desert…right? And it’s an amazingly beautiful campsite.
t about ½ way until I got to the part where you had to swing out just a little bit – and I couldn’t do it. But the hike back was just as nice as the hike up. I love these canyon streams and cottonwoods.
I’ve settled on the Sweet and Sour Chicken which is – hopefully – cooking on the hood of the black volkswagon jetta. Bon appetite!
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Lazy, lazy, lazy
The idea for today however, is to pack up and head south for Monument Valley.
Here are a few other tips for those traveling to Moab.
1. Be sure to buy juice to flavor your water.
2. Don't expect great food
3. Don't expect the people to be all that friendly - especially i
4. Go to Delicate Arch early in the morning
5. Plan to shop at night - stores are open to 10:00!
6. Spend some time on the Colorado River
7. If you're a camper, try and stay at the wilderness sites. They are in the best locations. If you have to camp in town - Up the Creek is a good place.
Moab, Day 2
So the hiking. First climbed the Moab Rim trail for a full view of the
After that headed North to just seem too darn big, but really you can get from here to there without much trouble. While on the point I looked south to the Needles, where I’ll be tomorrow. It looked a hundred miles away, but the sign said 15.
You really got to wonder what Powell was thinking.
After Canyonlands I took a leisurely drive along the
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
Good friends don't let good friend...drink Starbucks
Hiking again!
But the people were nice and service was fast and I was driving into Arches National Park at 8 am. Arrived at Delicate Arch at 9ish. Pictures just never do the real thing justice. Not only that it wasn’t so much the arch that touched me it was more the feeling of the place. From the pictures I’d always thought the land around the arch was relatively flat. No so. The arch itself stands on a large fin that is pretty far up in the air and pretty far out in the middle of nothing. Walking up to it one goes along a cliff face then turns a corner and…there it is. I sat there, just around the corner, high up above the desert and finally, for the first time since leaving Denver, or maybe even much longer, relaxed. Just me, the sandstone, the arch, the La Sal Mountains and a few sparrows.
Eventually the place began to fill and I felt it was time to move on so after walking back to the car and driving further North I took the hike out to Landscape Arch, Navaho and Partition Arch. Had to turn back from Double O, it was O so narrow on that trail. After that I went to Window Arch where I sat awhile and enjoyed more of the Arches Scenery.
Feeling a bit parched, the temperature having risen to 69, I
Sunday, October 07, 2007
Heading for the hills...and the desert
This morning I leave the land of fluffy king sized beds, room service, and free wireless for ... 39 degrees, and my hubba hubba. I am so excited! Oh and there is a chance of snow while crossing the mountains.
Last night was fun too. A bunch of us went to dinner at Lime, a Mexican restaurant that served good food, fine Margaretta's and plenty of entertainment. Walking home the streets were full. The more serious baseball fans were at the game, but those who couldn't make it were still enjoying the atmosphere and waiting for the after game fun to begin. As our waiter informed us, that's when things really started happening. It was pretty cool. Lots of good people and good energy. Looking at the building and all the events and arts, etc you know Denver is a city, but it sure feels like a town.
Saturday, October 06, 2007
Thought Provoking
Over lunch I had a fascinating discussion on the purpose of Libraries. If Libraries were originally created to collect, preserve and share knowledge, (think Alexandria), what is our purpose now when the big challenge is that there is too much information? I mean think about it...
Meanwhile in Denver...rumor has it the streets are filling with Denver Rocky fans. The game is tonight, less than a mile from here.
Friday, October 05, 2007
I was sitting in the orientation session and in walked one of my bestest, funniest classmates from Syracuse. We caught up during lunch and then attended a really interesting session on Global Warming. (Strange topic for Library and Information Technology but very interesting.)
Pueblo Pottery

Last night I went to hear Stephen Trimble's talk on his book, "Talking with the Clay: The Art of Pueblo Pottery in the 21st Century" at Tattered Covers bookstore. First off, he is an amazingly engaging speaker and a fascinating person. While the subject is fascinating, his presentation was warm, thought-provoking and concise.
Aside from discussing and showing slides of how the Pueblo Indians gather clay, and construct, decorate, fire and then sell their pottery he talked about the traditions involved in the making. How, distinctive decorating and vase styles evolved among Pueblos but that recently as the potters have continued to grow their traditions the styles have become more individualistic. The potters have also branched off into sculpture with amazing results.
And then I went to bed.
Thursday, October 04, 2007
Denver - land of many things

So I'm here. Have been for about 4 hours now. Immediately after checking in I dropped off my stuff and headed North through the 16th St. Mall. I have never seen so many restaurants offering wheatgrass. I tasted it once (somewhere else not here). They also have a lot of Starbucks (so the burnt coffee can offset the wheatgrass?).
At the very end of the 16th Street Mall, and over the river is Mecca, aka the REI flagship store. Ahhhh, built in the old, but significantly expanded trolley station this REI features and 3 story climbing wall, lots of boulders and is nicely located at the Confluence of two rivers which have been constructed into a whitewater kayaking run. Sweet. There is also a Starbucks (no wheatgrass). I looked at everything. Lots of fuuur this year. Also checked out REI's touring bike which is a possibility for the West Coast trip.
After drooling there for awhile I head back South and stopped at the famous "Tattered Covers Bookstore". Cool books, lots and lots of cool books. Funny how I left Borders the other day thinking there were no good books, and here, well here it was so hard no to buy them all. Tonight there is even an author lecture on 20th century South American Pottery.
So now I'm back at the hotel for a little rest.
Oh, and I can see there beautiful mountains from my window and they are calling me.
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
On again
The Denver/Utah trip is on again. Not sure of the exact route but playing it by ear might be a good thing for me. At the very least the initial book selection has been made and is as follows:
The Whistling Season, Ivan Doig
The World is Flat, Thomas L. Friedman
Hitching Rides with Buddha, Will Ferguson.
There are lots of other books I'm reading and would rather read, but these popped to the top of the list because they're paperbacks. The "Hitching" book is about travel so that's good, the writer seems to have a good adventurous attitude so while he's traveling through Japan and I'll be in the desert we'll still be traveling. Ivan Doig is a great writer so that should be a good read. And so many people have recommended the World is Flat and a peek through the covers has been rewarding.
Monday, October 01, 2007
Last night on ebay
I have been looking for a while. I mean the panasonic is 20 years old, and while it does qualify me to ride in the invitation-only-shift-on-the-down-tube annual races, and I can pass many a fully suited, high-tech rider, still...I covet the new bikes. So I agreed that if a good deal came up on ebay, a really good deal, I could buy a new bike. What is funny is that since I started looking several $600.00 Specialized Dolces have sold for $600 and $700. Its just weird.

She is a beauty.