Isaiah, my best buddy left today. I miss him so much already.
He certainly hasn't been up for all the recent adventures but he was always happy to wake me every morning and settle down beside me every night.
Amongst my pagan friends he was known as my familiar and he was. We were. There are so many parts of us that communicated wordlessly...and I'm beginning to notice, still do.
But I will greatly miss his physical presence. His joy in every new day, his alertness, his unending loyalty, his love, quiet affection, his fluffy fur.
To some he was known as Sandcastle's Ima Piston. He did earn his herding title, but the show thing, neither of us enjoyed...especially on beautiful sunny days. Many on the AT knew him as Little Bear. That was the trail name he earned after scaring more than a few hikers into thinking he was a black bear cub. He did enjoy his hiking days but I think it was herding he loved most. Working the way he was bred to. I am glad we did that. Glad he came to live with me and be my friend, my buddy and enjoy life to the fullest.
Oh how I will miss him.